Thursday, November 02, 2006

Camo and Karaoke

Iconic fashion designer Jean Charles de Castelbajac was a featured speaker last week at LuxePack in Monaco. The designer, who carries chalk to draw angels and other signs on walls and surfaces, talked about his design inspiration and his desire to go back to meaning, taste, and feelings in his work, along with the sense of something handmade. He loves camouflage for its notion of surrealism and likens the current cultural “sameness” to karaoke, urging packaging designers to move away from it saying “packaging can have power, real power.” He said a designer’s role is to “re-enliven the imagination,” words that are clearly true for designers of packaging and the greatest take-away from his presentation. How can beauty packaging enliven consumer imagination? How do we give our packaging power? Sharing your thoughts on this post is as easy as clicking on the little envelope below.


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